Research meeting
I had a brief research meeting with my nephews last week. This was what went down:
your correspondent, the principal researcher (PI): "I propose that we upgrade our research equipment. We have gained a reasonable understanding of passive gliders, and now is time for us to move onto the next level: remotely controllable, powered flight."
Research assistant #1, (nephew #1), singing: "Helicopter and aeroplane, aeroplane, aeroplane, helicopter aeroplane, and sometimes a motorboat."
Research assistant #2, (nephew # 2): "ball! addaaaaaah!" throws a ball across the conference room.
PI: "I have done a brief literature review in the relevant publications, (takes out toys'R us catalogue). In the short term, I propose we move up to radio controlled devices. As #1 correctly pointed out, we should focus our efforts on airborne vehicles, maybe dabble in a bit of hydrodynamics if it is financially feasible. In the long run, we will like to get our hands on some autonomous machinery."
#1, flicks through the catalogue, points at the barbie dolls, and pronounces: "Pink is for girls, hehehehe."
#2 supports the proposal through action by crushing our previous research equipment (a paper airplane).
PI: "I will head over to the stores and start sourcing for parts."
Fig 1. Picoo Z. A radio controlled helicopter. 2 channels. Controls for this airframe is much sharper compared to the previous acquisition. This was one of the candidates I considered as a research subject. However, after some additional scouting, I decided on something a bit more unusual, standby for a detailed report.
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