More smoking news
I apologize for the geekiness content of the recent entries. perhaps the start of a new school year has got to me. I promise I will return to the pigs in the near future.
Read this on wired news this morning.
“For a couple of thousand years, smokers have sought a quick concentration boost by firing up a cigarette.
It turns out that cognitive buzz isn't just in smokers' heads. Scientists have found that nicotine really does boost certain transmitters in the brain that can help people think better. Now, the pharmaceutical industry hopes to improve on the effect, minus the lung cancer.”
Two thoughts to take home from this article:
1. I see, That’s why I can’t concentrate recently: reduced cigarette intake.
2. Hooray! This is what I am looking for, cigarettes with no side effects!
Now I understand why so many of my brilliant plans were hatched in the yellow box.
To the other smokers, perhaps you might like to check out the article in July's issue of nature too.
u? cutdown on smoking? ?????
Smoking cigarettes or smoking poles?
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